EPS Germany


EPS has been for many years a competent and reliable partner for numerous industrial clients and institutions in research and development. When it comes to the selection of suitable AC / DC power supplies, AC / AC frequency converters, DC / DC converters, chargers, electronic loads, you are At our guaranteed right. Our units set new standards in quality, safety, progress and cost
EPS power supply stands for professionalism, reliability and customer service.

Optimize your power supply - with us!
  • Our position
    Germany's leading supplier of power supplies
    European coverage by selected trading partners
  • Our Vision
    Changes for tomorrow
    We always strive to offer sustainable products
  • Our attitude
    We want our customers with the performance, quality and features of our products 
    not only satisfy, but delight.
  • Our claim
    We maintain a cooperative relationship with our customers and business partners
    We look forward to long-term relationships.
    We develop sustainable solutions to our customers and business partners
Electronic Loads  
AC/DC Power Supplies  
AC/AC Power Supplies  
DC/AC Power Supplies  
DC/DC Power Supplies  

30kW power in the smallest space
One of the biggest challenges in electromobility is the development of efficient batteries and consequently increasing requirements for testing technology as well as the simulation of energy storage systems. The bi-directional power supplies E/PSB10000-4U range from 60-2000VDC and 40-1000A. It is also possible to combine up to 64 units in one network to build plants with up to 2 MW


Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd,
New #37, (Old #110), 4th Floor, Nelson Manickam Road, Chennai 600 029. India
Tel: 91-44-2374 1203 Fax: 91-44-4211 3813


Updated 28 May 2021 ©2017  Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd Webmaster