1 Introduction


The Sunshine Duration sensor measures status

and sunshine duration. The WMO (World Meteorological Organization) defines the sunshine duration as the time

during which the direct solar radiation exceeds the level of 120 W/m2.


The LP SD18 performs the measure of radiation with an array of photodiodes arranged in a particular geometry which allows to obtain an accurate measurement in any weather conditions. This solution avoids the use of mechanical moving parts and ensures high  reliability over time.


The instrument, besides indicating the presence of sun as required by the WMO, measures also direct radiation (SRD), therefore it can be used as a low cost alternative to a pyrheliometer, which use is bound to a solar tracker.


 The instrument is available in three versions, which differ in the type of output:

 1    RS485 MODBUS-RTU output and volt-free contact output

(contact closed = SRD 120 W/m2, contact open = SRD < 120 W/m2)

 2    RS485 MODBUS-RTU output, analog voltage output 01 Vdc, which corresponds to 02000 W/m2 of direct radiation, and digital output voltage

(digital voltage output: 1V = SRD 120 W/m2, 0V = SRD < 120 W/m2)

 3    SDI-12 output and volt-free contact output

(contact closed = SRD 120 W/m2, contact open = SRD < 120 W/m2)

The SD is equipped with a heating element separately powered and galvanically isolated,  which prevents the formation of condensation on the glass surface onto which the sensitive elements are placed. For harsh climates, the above-mentioned versions are available with a second heating element (option R, LP SD18.xR), which prevents the formation of ice and prevents snow from settling.

The instrument does not need any positioning adjustment during the year and it can be installed on a mast or on a proper fixing base (optional).

The application fields are multiple: from the agronomy (agricultural science) to the study the growth  of  crops,  to photovoltaic  systems  for  verifying  their  performance,  to  buildingautomations for automatic opening/closing of blinds, shutters and, in general, to all those areas where it is necessary to monitor the presence of sunlight.

 2 Operating Principle

 The Sunshine Duration is based on the use of 16 sensors arranged in such a way that,

in the presence of sun, at least one of the photo-detectors is exposed to sun light directly from the sun (besides the diffusion component).

Those sensors which are not directly illuminated by the sun are used for the measurement of the diffused light that is subtracted from the measurement of the sensor which sees the sun directly to get direct radiation.

The cylindrical glass protects the sensors and the internal circuits of the instrument from the weather and at the same time provides an excellent transparency to sunlight.

In order to avoid the formation of condensation inside the instrument, in addition to the heating element, the LPSD18 is supplied with a cartridge that must be loaded with desiccant material in colloidal silica (Silica-gel).

  3 Technical specifications


Sensitive elements

16 Silicon photodiodes

Spectral range

3601100 nm

Direct radiation SRD measuring range

02000 W/m2

Accuracy of the measurement of direct radiation

Better than 90% on the monthly total

Accuracy of the measurement of the sunshine duration sensor

Better than 90% on the monthly total

Response time

<1 second

Threshold value

120 W/m2

Sunshine duration resolution

1 sec

Power supply


730 Vdc

5mA @ 12V

Heating system

Anti-condensation device consumption Antifreeze device consumption

1215 Vdc

1W @ 12V

5W @ 12V    ON for internal Temp. < 6 °C,

OFF for internal Temp > 10 °C

Internal temperature Measuring range Accuracy



-40…+80 °C

± 0.5 °C

Operating temperature

-40…+80 °C


0.9 kg

Protection degree


















    Galvanically isolated contact closed = SRD 120 W/m2 open = SRD < 120 W/m2



    Analog output 01V (02000 W/m2)

    Digital output 011V = SRD 120 W/m2

0V = SRD < 120 W/m2



    Galvanically isolated contact closed = SRD 120 W/m2 open = SRD < 120 W/m2



Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd,
New #37, (Old #110), 4th Floor, Nelson Manickam Road, Chennai 600 029. India
Tel: 91-44-2374 1203 Fax: 91-44-4211 3813
Email: sales@southerndynamics.com, southerndynams@gmail.com


Updated 14th April 2017 ©2017  Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd Webmaster