
  • ISO 9060 First Class Pyrheliometer
  • Ultra fast < 1 s response detector to detect quick radiation changes due to clouds and aerosols
  • Excellent temperature stability and temperature compensation to be used in a wide temperature range
  • Outdoors calibration under real solar conditions
  • Double temperature sensor (PT-100 / YSI 44031 10kΩ)
  • Efficient window heater to prevent dew and frost (0.5W)

The ISO First Class PYRHELIOMETER is a direct normal incidence (DNI) solar irradiance sensor. Also known as a pyrheliometer, it is used as a reference sensor for routine operation on a Solar Tracker. The all-weather unit is sensitive to solar irradiance in the spectral range 200 – 4000nm and works under the most extreme conditions in a temperature range from -40°C...80°C.

The versatile unit combines all features of a quick broadband detector enabled by an advanced technology thermopile detector. It combines a unique fast response time (

The integrated low power window heater prevents dew deposition or frost on the outside window. iT has a robust but compact and smooth design which forms the new generation of EKO Instruments solar radiometers that are designed for most demanding Photovoltaic and Meteorological applications at any place on earth. Each unit is calibrated and tested at EKO upon manufacture against EKO’s reference sensors which are fully traceable to the WRR (World Radiometric Reference) maintained at the PMOD/WRC (Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos/World Radiation Center) in Davos, Switzerland.


Specifications (Typical)  
ISO 9060 classification First Class
Response time 95% < 1 s
Zero offset - Temperature change (5K/hr) < +/- 1 W/m²
Non-stability (change/year) < 0.5 %
Non-linearity (100 -1000W/m²) < 0.5 %
Spectral selectivity (0.35-1.5µm) < 1 %
Temp. dependency (-20°C to 50ºC / @ 20°C) < 0.5 %
Tilt response (at 1000W/m²) < +/- 0.2 %
Sensitivity (µV/W/m²) Approx. 10
Impedance (Ω) Approx. 5000
Operating temperature range (°C) - 40 to +80
Cable length 10m
Spectral range (> 50% transmittance) 200 to 4000 nm




Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd,
New #37, (Old #110), 4th Floor, Nelson Manickam Road, Chennai 600 029. India
Tel: 91-44-2374 1203 Fax: 91-44-4211 3813


Updated 14th April 2017 ©2017  Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd Webmaster