The UAR is a self-contained underwater acoustic recorder comprising one or, optionally, two
hydrophones, sensors for attitude, orientation, depth and temperature, a digital recorder, and a field replaceable
battery. Attached to a subject with suction cups or other means, the  UAR  measures the subject’s sound environment as well as potentially associated behavior.

In addition to its primary mission as a tool for assessing the impact of noise on marine wildlife, the UAR can be used to study vocalization behavior of the tagged subject. The instrument may also be  suspended from a cable, placed on the seafloor, or housed in a robotic or remotely-operated vehicle.

Maximum operating depth (fixed build option): 500 m (-500m suffix) / 1000 m (-1km) / 2000 m (-2km) / 3000 m (-3km)
Maximum continuous acoustic sampling rate: 232 kHz
Saturation at 0-dB gain, re 1 μPa zero-peak: 187 dB (LP chan) & 176 dB (HF chan)
Acoustic gains, selectable at deployment: 0 or +20 dB: 16 bits
Acoustic sampling resolution: 16 bits (except 10 bits for tilt)
Auxiliary sampling rate: Up to 800 Hz (3D tilt), 40 Hz (3D compass),10 Hz (depth, temp)
Auxiliary sampling resolution: 16 BITS
Auxiliary sampling channels: Depth (pressure), internal temperature, 3D tilt, 3D compass
Total storage capacity (primary & spare): 64 GB, 128 GB max (at sample rates < 26 kHz, battery limits storage)
Maximum duration if sampling < 26 kHz: 6-14 days depending on temperature and if aux sampling also active
Maximum measured data download rate: 3.3 GB/hour via MicroUSB connector
Anti-alias filter, low-power (LP) channel: 8-pole elliptic, adjustable (automatic) up to 9.2 kHz maximum
Anti-alias filter, high-frequency (HF) channel: 6-pole linear phase, fixed
Unamplified raw ceramic sensitivity, re 1 V/μPa: -201 dB (LP chan hydrophone) & -204 dB (HF chan hydrophone)







Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd,
New #37, (Old #110), 4th Floor, Nelson Manickam Road, Chennai 600 029. India
Tel: 91-44-2374 1203 Fax: 91-44-4211 3813
Email: sales@southerndynamics.com, southerndynams@gmail.com


Updated 20th Jan 2019 ©2017  Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd Webmaster